Cycad Exports
We are a registered nursery for the export of cultivated Encephalartos species.
When interested in buying cycads from us, please send us an e-mail with your contact details and the plants you are interested in. We will put you in contact with the designated person handling Exports. You will get personal attention and all the info you need to obtain the plants of your choice. Due to International Cites legislation (of which South Africa is a member) there is specific rules and regulations we have to adhere to.
The rules for the importing of cycads into different countries may also differ.
When interested in buying cycads from us, please send us an e-mail with your contact details and the plants you are interested in. We will put you in contact with the designated person handling Exports. You will get personal attention and all the info you need to obtain the plants of your choice. Due to International Cites legislation (of which South Africa is a member) there is specific rules and regulations we have to adhere to.
The rules for the importing of cycads into different countries may also differ.

Export Procedure
The process of the export to an overseas client can be summarised as follows:
- Client is introduced to our export agent.
- All relevant plant info will be sent to the client and regulations of the export process discussed and explained.
- After choosing your plants, an invoice is sent for payment. (Invoice will include the plant price and cargo costs.)
- We will then arrange the export permit.
- After the approval of the export permit, the permit will be sent to the client and he will then apply for the import permit into his native country.
- Once the import permit is approved, payment should be made and a date for the shipping of the plants arranged.
- We will then arrange for the Phytosanitary permit and air cargo is booked. (Client will be informed about the flight / cargo arrangements.)
- After the treatment of the plants with a broad-spectrum insecticide and fungicide, the Phytosanitary permit is issued, and the plants prepped for shipping.
- After the packaging of the plants, the container is sealed and delivered at the airport for departure.
- Arrival at destination is usually within 72 hours after delivery at the airport.